Serving Intelligence Community

LTS is qualified to provide government, military and intelligence with linguistic, evaluation and analysis services.

With over a decade of experience supporting high level missions in Iraq, Sudan, Guantanamo Bay - we have the necessary resource for your mission - it's in our DNA!

Our U.S. based language experts are available to review foreign media and locate key points dealing with military intelligence, political messages, and changes in culture, religion, government policies or movements and any other areas of concern.

Supporting U.S. Missions: Home & Abroad

LTS defense and military SME are available for your mission-critical needs!

Linguist Placement
Research & Analysis
Gisting & Abstracting
Visitor Facilitator

Reconstruction Projects


With major reconstruction projects taking place in many countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Lebanon, it is essential that all paperwork and correspondence are edited and proofread properly to increase the success of U.S. aid and mission.

LTS subject matter experts (SME) are available to review:

  • Brochures
  • Cultural Awareness
  • Plans & SOPs
  • Proposals
  • Training Materials
  • Presentations

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